Ocr Txt Google Txt – OCR a document using Google Vision AI and send output to a text file
Ocr Txt Google Screen – OCR a document using Google Vision AI and send output to the screen
Img Analy Google Screen – Analyze image and create tags using Google Vision AI, send output to screen
Img Analy Google Txt – Analyze an image and create tags using Google Vision AI send output to text file
AI Groq Screen – Query Groq API and send output to the screen
AI Groq Txt – Query Groq API and send output to a text file
AI Chat Groq Screen – Query Groq API with basic memory of previous requests send output to screen
Text To Speech Groq – sends text to groq relays response to windows built in voices and plays audio back
API Key Validation Groq Screen – Validate Groq API Key
Img Query Open AI Screen – Query image using OpenAI with a context send the output to the screen
Img Desc Open AI Screen – Send image to OpenAI get a basic description of it and send it to the screen
AI Open AI Screen – Query OpenAI API and send output to the screen
API Key Validation Open AI Screen – Check if a OpenAi Api Key is valid or not
Audio To Text Open AI Screen – Converts mp3 audio file to text
AI Chat LM Studio Screen – Utilize LM Studio for Local AI chat queries
Img Query LM Studio Screen – Utilize LM Studio for Local AI image queries
Audio Voice Mp3 Open AI File – Utilize OpenAI Voices and generate audio mp3 file from text